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Is High Intensity training makes to stronger physically and mentally?

As a time-efficient method for burning a lot of calories and enhancing muscle definition, high-intensity workouts have made the transition from the world of performance training to the programs that help clients get results. Credited with a range of benefits, including lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and maintaining a healthy bodyweight, increasing evidence suggests that high-intensity exercise may also offer numerous brain-strengthening benefits as well. A typical HIIT session would call for a warm-up of 5-10 minutes where the intensity gradually increases. Once the body is warmed up, it is then time to begin the work intervals. The appropriate work to recovery ratio for HIIT is 1 minute of work to every 2 to 3 minutes of active recovery. Staying active during the recovery period allows the muscles to remove the metabolic waste and produce more energy for the next bout of high intensity exercise. Start with a lower number of work intervals and work up to doing 10-12 high intensity work intervals.

One of the major benefits of HIIT fitness is that using the appropriate work-to-recovery intervals can train the body how to become efficient at producing and using energy from the anaerobic energy system. This type of session can also train the body to effectively remove metabolic waste from themuscles between the work intervals. In addition, HIIT also serves as an effective way to increase VO2 max without having to run for long distances or periods of time. Due to the high level of intensity and the amount of time necessary to appropriately recover from the exercise session, it is recommended to do no more than two days of HIIT per week, allowing at least one full day of recovery between training sessions. therefore always free from repetition, injected humor, etc.

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