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Contact Info

27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

+1 (044) 123 456 789


Our Goal

ML Stories

Our goal has always been to create a community of like-minded individuals who recognize the intrinsic value of working hard and living a healthy lifestyle. We work hard, play hard, and live happier, healthier lives.

We, at Maniac Lads aim at making the workout routine fun and also intense and challenging. We strongly believe that working out should be intoxicating, inclusive and effective, in that order. healthy life. It provides Cross Training and Functional Training depending upon the need and requirement of every individual.

Maniac Lads offers members quality coaching, a diverse class offering and an inclusive community driven environment. Our training programme is accessible to everyone and offers members a chance to progress in every single session.

Client Speaks

Train with Experts

Client Speaks