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27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

+1 (044) 123 456 789



Hi everyone, Karthik here from 6am batch. I had joined maniac lads on the 4th of December 2017. This is my very first fitness center. Two reasons why I joined this place 1. I was interested in cross fit. 2. I watched Amey Kulkarni getting slimmer which had never happened in the past 5 years of his gymming career. As I had expected crossfit was fun. I was very reckless in the beginning. However, under the guidance of Asit and Deb I learned what patience and discipline meant. I learnt different forms, techniques, skills and movements. Maniac lads is not just a workout place for me. I made really good friends here, met some of the most inspirational people. My trainers always motivated me and pushed me beyond my limits to get stronger day by day. I have physically and mentally changed in a lot of good ways since I started working out. All thanks to Maniac Lads.
