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27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

+1 (044) 123 456 789



Hello MLites… My name is Senthil from the magnificent 7:15am batch and here is my small bit. I joined Maniac lads sometime in April this year with a goal to increase my stamina, strength and overall endurance. I think there is something in the air inside Maniac Lads.. Barring few days, I have been utmost regular (never happened before !!!) and that’s keeping my pace towards my goal pretty intact… To begin with, CrossFit was never in mind. I am from the old school of Gym and body building. I was much cajoled to take this decision to join ML by two ladies whom I now get to ferry everyday up and down. I love the variety that ML offers everyday, the gradual scaling up of reps without raising any suspicion from the participants, the unrelenting focus on every individual’s personal requirement, the thought that goes to prepare the daily WOD keeping in mind our aspirations, the free but valuable fundas that we get on nutrition, stretches, right forms and postures… I am not only steadily progressing towards my goal, the supplementary benefits of losing weight, lipid control have sneaked in too. Everyday the 60 minutes that I splurge in ML is nothing short of celebration of life in an unique way. What can I say about our trainers. Someone asked me what is the meaning of DNA, and I unflinchingly said Deb N Asit.. they are so deeply entrenched in their work and committed to clients that I would not be surprised to see that one day ML would reach much greater heights in Kaggadaspura and in Whitefield too. Good luck Deb n Asit !
