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27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

+1 (044) 123 456 789



I am Tara. I joined this studio way back in October 2017. I work out usually at (the most talkative, loud and entertaining) 7.15 am batch. I joined Maniac Lads with a fairly neutral outlook – neither confident nor unsure. I just wanted to see how it goes, considering my poor attendance history with almost all the gyms around. But what a journey it has been. I was reminded of my shaky start with a few pics Asit Sir shared a few days back. I struggled to lift 5kgs. Yes, struggled. But now, I am comfortable with weights. In any form. I am glad they take pics and videos constantly. Like a quick ride down the memory lane! A lot of weight loss and a lot of toning has happened. I am visibly fitter, thinner, energetic, stronger, flexible, confident and healthy. But what is more important, to me, is that my relationship with fitness has taken a complete turn. This truly has been a remarkable journey. None of us have all the time to make all the mistakes and learn. Hence it’s wise to learn from other people’s mistakes/experiences. So if you’re reading my story hoping to learn something, well, this is it – SHOW UP. Aside of the legit/fair reasons, please do not try to find a reason to miss your workout. COME WHAT MAY. I seldom bunk. I would have taken just 15 days off in this whole period of 9 months which includes the days I took off when I had to travel. Which speaks a lot about (not me, I have a bunking history prior to joining Maniac Lads) what a fun place this is and the kind of difference that I’ve experienced. Like a few friends already mentioned, Deb Sir and Asit Sir are fantastic. Their approach to fitness is holistic. Not just about workouts but their knowledge about supplementation is also superb, which is equally important. The WOD is something I always look forward to see every day. The runs we did with Asit Sir and the group a couple of times reignited my love for running. He also has a very kind approach to getting us work out better. Deb Sir has been instrumental in making me enjoy working out, continually improving myself and pushing my limits. For someone who is injury prone, (yes, I had several braces before, always relied on a physiotherapist every time I got injured and had a lot of balance issues) – the last 9 months I’ve not had a single injury. Beyond all this I’ve made a lot of friends here. Thank you guys. Thanks for all the fun times, laughter, support, inspiration and motivation. Thank you Deb Sir and Asit Sir, thank you Akhilesh (my husband, also workout buddy) for putting up with all my idiosyncrasies with a big smile 🙂

And if you really read patiently till here, Kudos.
